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Seasonal Tourism

Summer Tours The sea, the foreshore and Lotus Flowers

Holtong Beach(Jogeumnaru) → Lunch → Muan Ecological Tidal Flat Center → Songye Fishing Experience Village → Dinner → Sleep → Doripo → Hoesan Baekryeonji → Lunch

>Holtong Beach(Jogeumnaru)  → Lunch → Muan Ecological Tidal Flat Center → Songye Fishing Experience Village  → Dinner → Sleep → Doripo → Hoesan Baekryeonji → Lunch
초의선사탄생지 기와집

Holtong Beach

Hol Tong is a natural park located in Hyeongyeonng-myeon of Muan County . The rich sea pine forests and long sand beaches present a grand view. It is especially popular as a summer hideout, as swimming, camping, and sunbathing can all be enjoyed.

The water is shallow and the waves are calm, providing an optimal location for water sports. It is quickly becoming a Mecca for windsurfing groups all over the nation. The annual windsurfing competition is also held here.

307-1, Yongwol-ri, Muan-eup, Muan-gun82-61-450-5627

해변에서 물놀이하는 사람들

서핑하는 사람들

Black Silk with Endless Vitality, Muan Ecological Tidal Flat Center


The center has a vast ecological park, which helps provide unique foreshore experience for visitors. Also the center has successfully maintained the foreshore, which contribute to the local economy. 'Auto Caravan Camping Site' opened in 2012, which accommodate ten caravans, five for 4 people and the other five for 6 people, and provide convenience facilities for visitors. Visitors can make a reservation on the website of Muan Ecological Tidal Flat Center.

140, Yongsan-gil, Haeje-myeon, Muan-gun82-61-453-5010


갯벌에서 체험하는 사람들


캐러반 내부

캐러반안에서 보는 풍경


Songye Fishing Experience Village, where family can enjoy foreshore experience together.

The foreshore of Songye Village is rich in octopuses, mullets and gim(seaweed), attracting visitors from all over the country year around. Visitors can go to the foreshore barefoot, collect seashells and taste fresh seafood on the ground.

916, Mansong-ro, Haeje-myeon, Muan-gun82-61-454-8737

송계어촌체험하는 사람들

Doripo, with delicious mullet sashimi

When you visit Doripo(Port Dori) in Haejae-myeon, Songseok-ri, you can see Hampyeong-gun, Yeonggwang-gun across Hamhaeman(Hambae Bay), which make breathtaking scenice views. Doripo is anglers' favorite spot as fish caught here are known to taste superb. Particularly gray mullet sashimi is one of the five 진미 in Muan and gourmets from other regions visit the port and enjoy the taste of gray mullet sashimi.

916, Mansong-ro, Haeje-myeon, Muan-gun82-61-454-5628

도리포 정자

도리포바다 풍경

Heosan Baekryun Ji, the Biggest White Lotus Habitat in Asia

Heosan Baekryun Ji is a 100,000 pyeong sized reservoir built during the dark times of Japanese colonization and it served to provide irrigation to adjacent agricultural lands at the time. After a villager living nearby first planted 12 white lotus flowers, he dreamed a dream where twelve white cranes sat along the reservoir. So, he took great care of them and the reservoir became a huge wild habitat for splendid white lotus flowers.

The White Lotus Festival is held around July and August every year.

339-2, Baengnyeon-ro, Illo-eup82-61-285-1323

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